Are Apple Products Addictive?

Apple may have been one of the most followed and loved brand for tech-geeks, except that now it has gone to another level. Imagine, recent researches and behavioral psychologists have been talking over terms for ‘addiction’ towards Apple products. Okay, so now after many other addictions, here comes just another to the list. For now, the following few traits have been identified and point towards the likelihood of being addicted to the tech-brand; your Highness “Apple”. We call it the Apple-Addict Test! If it’s yes to all – you’re guilty!

You’re sleeping with your Apple product, all curled up and cuddly. It doesn’t sound right, but a high majority of Apple addict peeps would be found guilty over this one.

No matter what you just spent all your savings on the recently introduced version of Apple product, the next one is out and you just have to HAVE it. By hook or by crook, the Apple 5 and 5S are simply worlds apart.


Your source of inspiration, wisdom and all things related to career guidance and success somewhat relate to Steve Jobs. He’s the guru, there is no other person who can be replaced.

To score points with you, an iTunes gift card does the job. It’s basically a treat as good as a few shots.

Your mood can be judged by the color of case that your Apple gadget is stored in. Girls wear their hair up and put on glasses, and you change your cases.

There is absolutely no way that Microsoft can come up to that level, but it’s good that they like to try hard for something good. At least, that’s what you think.

It’s easier for you to get around, hang out and develop a lighter side for people who have been using Mac products. It’s just a coincidence, but yes, the coincidence magically keeps repeating itself.

Check your bag, or pocket or any other hand carry that you may have, the charger is a definite carry along item.

In the darkness of the night, or the crude places around the town, it’s your Apple product that leads your way and shows you the path. Okay, similarly, the first thing in the morning is your text messages that you just NEED to check.

While these were only a few, but if these and a couple of others are already present, then you’re on your way to be called an official Apple addict. Apple products are definitely addictive for many; sorry folks there’s no denying that about yourself.

Are Apple products really addictive? Let us know in the comments section below.

Appleapple macApple productsiPhone
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