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Now-a-days you can’t see anyone without smartphones. Even a 8-year old child roams with a smartphone in his pocket. If you don’t use a smartphone, you’re considered old school. The use of landlines has decreased considerably. You don’t often see people calling you from their land line. Although we are close to an era where all phone calls will take place on data connection instead of network signals. There are some free calling apps which help you.

Here is a list of some free calling apps which help you to make free calls.

  • Skype

One can make free Skype calls to anyone who uses Skype and non-Skype numbers require some small amount. It is available on almost all mobile operating systems and computer operating systems (also l=Linux). This app also includes free group chat, text chat, and many more features. It’s a very reliable and a well known service. This is the most common app and there are chances your friends will already be using it.It is one of the best free calling apps one may come across.

skype- free calling apps

Here’s a download link:  Android \ iOS

  • Facebook Messenger

Facebook has recently allowed free calls on its messenger service. Since most of these type of apps requires that both parties have the same application in order to make phone calls (i.e. both parties much have Facebook Messenger installed to make free calls), Facebook has an advantage. It is more likely for your friends to be on Facebook already. So it has become one of the best free calling apps.

messenger free calling apps

Here’s a download link:  Android \  iOS

  • Whatsapp

Whatsapp has now recently added this feature in its app. Earlier it was just an app to chat with people but now one can even talk through whatsapp call. Almost everyone has whatsapp installed in their smartphone. So the whatsapp call feature was a great success. And it is free, you can almost call anyone for free.

free calling apps whatsapp

Here’s a download link:  Android \  iOS

  • Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts is a free calling app similar to Skype. It allows free text messaging (along with its own stickers). Also, you can make free calls to other people who hangout. You can add up to 10 people in a video chat. The good thing about Hangouts is that you need a Google account to access it which everyone has as they need it for Google Play Store.

google-hangouts free calling apps

Here’s a download link:  Android \ iOS

  • Viber

With over 2 million user’s, Viber is one of the most widely used free calling apps on Google store. As usual, you can call the other person on Viber for free. You can also use it for text and group messaging. Viber is a very simple app than many of the other apps but it gets the job done easily. Everyone know’s about it so there’s no point bragging more about it.


Here’s a download link:  Android \  iOS

So with this, the world is getting more and more advance. You can share your free calling apps which you use for calling. Feel free to comment. And do not forget to subscribe to ReadMeNow for further tech and apps review.


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