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Gone are the days when we had just one Social Networking account. Today, there are hundreds of applications for everything. So managing all the social media accounts at once is more of a task now. Luckily, if you are macOS user and a Facebook or Twitter addict, you can integrate Social Accounts in macOS Sierra.

How to Integrate Social Accounts in macOS Sierra.

Step 1: Go to your System Preferences. You can do this either from the Dock or Launchpad.

macOS Sierra Settings

Step 2: Click on Internet Accounts. Internet accounts helps you set up mails, Facebook, Twitter etc. Adding accounts is very simple.

Internet Accounts MacOS


Step 3: Let’s add Twitter first. In the Internet Accounts settings, click on the Twitter option.

Internet Accounts Twitter

Step 4: To get started with Twitter, you need to sign in to your Twitter account. Enter your username and password and click on Next.

Twitter Login macOS

Step 5: The next window displays the features of the inbuilt Twitter application. Now click on Sign In.

Twitter Permissions macOS

Step 6: If you have successfully signed in, you will see your Twitter account in the Sidebar with options. To change the name of your Twitter account, Click on Details button next to your username. Change the description to your desired name. You can choose to disable the account at any time by unchecking the Enable this account option. You can even add multiple Twitter accounts.

Twitter options Social Accounts


Step 7: Adding a Facebook Account is the same as adding a Twitter Account. Click on the Facebook option from the Internet Accounts settings and enter your Username and Password. Click on Next to proceed.

Facebook Login

Step 8: The next window tells you what will happen when you Sign into Facebook. Read the details carefully and when done, click on Sign In.

Facebook Permissions

Step 9: Once your Facebook credentials are verified, the account information will be displayed in the sidebar along with the options in the main window. You can choose to sync Calendars, Contacts, etc. Unlike Twitter, you cannot add multiple accounts.

Facebook Options macOS Sierra


Step 10: Adding LinkedIn is no different. Click on the LinkedIn option to add a new LinkedIn Account. Enter your Username and Password and click on Next.

Linked In Login MacOS

Step 11: Signing into LinkedIn will do the following. Click on Sign In once you are done.

LinkedIn Permissions

Step 12: Voila! You should see your LinkedIn account in the list of accounts. You can choose to enable or disable the contact sync, notifications or the account as a whole. Just like Facebook, you can add only one LinkedIn account.

LinkedIn Settings


Step 13: Go to your Notifications Panel and Click on Edit. Add the Social Widget in by clicking on the + button.

Notification macOS Social Accounts

Step 14: Click on any of the Social Account icons to post a status.

Integrate Social Accounts in macOS Sierra

Step 15: Enter your status and post. Simple!

Integrate Social Accounts in macOS Sierra

That was how to integrate Social Accounts in macOS Sierra. For more tutorials and how-to guides, please subscribe to ReadMeNow.

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Harsh Shah

A highly motivated individual with a hunger to learn and share as much as I can about everything. Masters in Interaction Design with a Bachelors in Computer Science. I have worked with clients across the globe on various design and tech projects. I believe in giving back and that's how ReadMeNow was founded.

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